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Cumulus is the flexible collaboration hub that is easy to use and fast to deploy. Connect partners and teams, automate workflows, screen and assess clients, track closed-loop referrals, and monitor outcomes – regardless of which IT systems participants are using. Cumulus' unique cloud-based architecture, affordability, interoperability and experienced team help our customers achieve their goals better and faster.

Here are some great examples of how Cumulus can turbo charge partnerships:

Intakes, Screenings, Assessments, Referrals

Imagine one easy-to-use hub for intakes of clients served by multiple teams, partners and programs that securely sends referrals where they need to go and tracks what happens next.

Cumulus is the collaboration hub that enables organizations, partners, and provider networks to securely assess clients, share information, automate workflows, streamline social care referrals, and improve outcomes for the people they serve - even when organizations use different IT systems.

Cumulus is agnostic about which case management systems or EHRs partners use, making it easy for them to participate by using the hub directly or through interoperability with the Cumulus HL7 FHIR interface - whatever is best for the partner.

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

Cumulus for SCSEP makes managing SCSEP programs a breeze. Created specifically for SCSEP, the Cumulus solution aligns data management with Grantee Performance Management System (GPMS) and program requirements, eases participant enrollment, and improves monitoring of performance and participant required actions (PRAs).

Cumulus automated workflows streamline critical aspects of SCSEP processes, including participant enrollment and eligibility, gathering of evidence and attestation forms, payroll integration, Most in Need (MIN) scoring, Individual Employment Plans (IEPs), recertification, ongoing case coordination activities, host agency and training site management, in-kind reporting, and more.

Syncing with GPMS to assure data accuracy and timeliness is a breeze using Cumulus’ unique GPMS syncing tools.

Community Care Hubs

Cumulus helps Community Care Hubs (CCHs) thrive. In addition to being the link between medical and social care, Cumulus enables CCHs to manage an unlimited number of payer contracts, each with their unique workflows, services, payment models and objectives. CCHs connect with their networks of providers and partners through Cumulus to streamline assignment of activities, monitor time sensitive tasks, measure outcomes, and drive billing and revenue, all while enabling the CCH's management team to oversee their business at a macro level.

Multidisciplinary Teams/SDOH

In state after state, community-based organizations are forming partnerships to improve outcomes for the clients they serve through Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) collaborations. Local hospitals, behavioral health providers, area agencies on aging, food shelf programs, homeless services groups, and other CBOs want to easily, quickly and securely share information, collaborate and coordinate.

Imagine a hospital-based social worker assisting with discharge planning for a single mother experiencing food insecurity and substance use challenges who is at risk of being homeless. In many cases, the social worker must rely on fragmented phone calls and emails, cobbling together community-based resources to positively impact potential outcomes. Because their community partners all use different IT systems.

Cumulus dramatically improves the likelihood of successful outcomes by enabling the social worker and other care team members to securely and instantly alert community partners about individuals’ SDOH needs – improving outcomes by quickly arranging for the right supports at the right time.

Veteran Directed Care (VDC)

Cumulus streamlines critical aspects of the VDC program, eliminating emails and spreadsheets to facilitate assignments to care coordinators for home visits, assessments (including automated case mix assessments), service and support plans, and budget planning. In addition, Cumulus assists staff with enrollment and ongoing veteran support. Program monitors and outcomes measures, including monthly, quarterly and annual reporting compliance, are facilitated through Cumulus.

Elder Justice/APS

Cumulus helps multidisciplinary teams work together to protect adults at risk of abuse, exploitation and neglect. Law enforcement, financial institutions, community-based organizations and state Adult Protective Services agencies all tend to use different IT systems – making collaboration cumbersome at best. Cumulus enables secure, efficient and effective communication among elder justice partners to protect vulnerable adults when they need it most.

Human Services Assessments

Easily and securely deploy your assessment tools to your care teams across devices (PCs, Macs, tablets, smartphones). Cumulus makes it easy to automate your assessment tools, whatever they might be. And Cumulus is designed to integrate with your case management system, enabling your team to leverage easy-to-use, modern online assessments without having to replace your current systems.

Data Sharing/Interoperability

Cumulus has interoperability in its DNA and is uniquely positioned to serve software vendors, state agencies and community-based providers as their SDOH Interoperability Hub.

Turbocharge partnerships

Let Cumulus elevate your collaboration with partners to new levels and improve outcomes for your shared clients.

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